We Love IDF

Total raised:

USD $229

Monthly pledges:

USD $0

'We Love IDF' is an extraordinary organisation dedicated to helping the soldiers protecting Israel.  By day and by night we supply hot food, drinks, candy, and equipment.  We take the time to stand beside our brothers in arms any hour of the day offering friendship, advice and support.  Whether it's at checkpoints, on patrol, guarding duty in the west bank, no matter where in the Holy Land, north, south, east, or west, we're there for our brothers in arms. Our mission is to bring smiles to the soldiers of Israel. We visit the soldiers at their bases, watch posts, and check points and wherever we might find a soldier. We uplift their spirits with pizza, falafel, snacks music and hugs, as well as buying them important equipment such as special water bottles for the hot weather and jackets for the winter.