Total raised:

USD $13,727

Monthly pledges:

USD $0

Children and Youth Village "AHAVA" is a professional NPO, operating for 92 years,
providing care and educational solutions for children and youth at risk.

The NPO operates several Programs:


Therapeutic Family Residential Care System which models a real family environment
for children in the ages of 6-18
 Therapeutic Day Care Center
 Post Mental Hospitalization Program
 Special Education School
 "Warm" residential facilities for 18+
Emergency Center for Children and Youth at Risk - Short term emergency center that provides a temporary care and education solution for children and youth in crisis situations

Our vision is to grant children from disadvantaged families the right for education, empowerment and skills development enabling them to improve their standard of living. Our goal is to enable our graduates to integrate in the normative society, and to function independently and sensibly, using their skills and realizing their full potential as normative and productive citizens.

Our goals are achieved by providing our children with physical and emotional therapeutic care, opportunities and corrective learning experiences, by empowerment of their skills and capabilities, enhancement of their self image and coping abilities, and providing them with educational and social skills.

Our vision is to continue being a leading professional center offering creative thinking and solutions for the benefit of children and youth at risk, and their families.